Literature and other notes to the lecture


Specific to the lecture

Lectures 1-3 - λ calculus

  • Introduction to Lambda Calculus, Barendregt & Barensen, 2002.
    • Section 1 - all.
    • Section 2 - up to Def. 2.14; you don't need to remember the rest - the operations on Church numerals, just their basic definition is enough.
    • Section 3 - just Definitions 3.1 and 3.2, Theorem 3.17
    • Section 4 - up to 4.12. (no need to know the proof of Church-Roser theorem), and 4.20-4.23.
  • Converting λ terms into the combinatory calculi: Combinatory calculi, in particular section Completeness of the S-K basis. (A bit more advanced article I wrote on this topic can be found in The Monad Reader, Issue 17: The Reader Monad and Abstraction Elimination.)

Lectures 4-5 - natural deduction calculus for propositional intuitionistic logic

  • Natural deduction - you can skip all parts concerning quantifiers as we're interested only in propositional logic.

Other recommended reading

Other just for those that would be interested in those topics

Miscellaneous notes

Delta reduction

Church equality

Church defined δ-reduction as follows:

Term is in δ-normal form if:

  • doesn't contain any subterm of the form (λx.M)N
  • doesn't contain any subterm of the form δMN, where M aand N are combinators (have no free variables).

We define δ-reduction as:

  • δMN →δ T (true) if both M and N are in δ-normal form, don't contain variables, and they are α-equal.
  • δMN →δ F (false) if both M and N are in δ-normal form, don't contain variables, and they are not α-equal.

(Literature:, which is according to

Poslední úprava: 2012/11/06 06:46